Sunday Morning Stress

Slice of Life2

I am participating in the March Slice of Life Story Challenge. Thanks to the co-authors of              Two Writing Teachers for creating this  supportive community.

This morning I registered to attend the New Jersey SCBWI Conference. Registration opened at 9:00 and there is a mad rush to sign up. It is the type of conference where you not only sign up for workshops, but also have the opportunity to choose one-on-one critiques with editors, agents, or authors as well as share meals with one of the faculty. Spots for the critiques and for the meals are limited. I spent the last two days researching the workshops and faculty and deciding what I was going to do. I was ready!

Worksheet. Check.

Table choices. Ready.

One-on-one choices made. Yes.

Tick…tock…5 minutes to go.

I check and recheck.

9:00. Go!!!

I’m about halfway through the process and everything is going well until…something happens! Instructions say to refresh. I refresh…and I am suddenly logged out.

Heart begins to pound.

I try to get back in. No luck.

Hands shaking.

Quick text to my critique partner. Same thing happened to her!

Try again.

Too many people?

What to do?

Keep trying.

I’m in!

Despite the delay and the stress, I was successful in getting my first choices for everything, so I hope I chose wisely. I went to this conference last year, had a great time, and learned a lot. I’ve been to many state and national conferences like ILA, NCTE, and Reading Recovery where I feel at home. The SCBWI conferences are very different, and I feel like a newbie (I guess because I am). Still trying to fit in, but I know it will come.

Thank you to everyone at TWT for providing this wonderful opportunity to connect through writing and establish such a supportive community. And thanks to everyone who wrote, read, commented, and inspired. Virtual hugs all around!

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6 Responses to Sunday Morning Stress

  1. Ramona says:

    I can feel your frustration. Glad all went well ultimately. And I send your virtual hug back to you.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. dianeandlynne says:

    Congratulations, Rose, on being persistent and getting your first choices. I know how frustrating it can be encountering that “refresh” icon. But you did it and you won’t be a newbie for long.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. So frustrating! I’m so glad you were able to get all your first choices despite your technical difficulties! I always enjoy reading your slices, Rose! Have a great time at the conference!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. arjeha says:

    Oh MY, Rose. Not only frustrating but nerve wracking as well. Glad things worked out any you got all of your first choices. Thanks also for your comments on my posts. I always look forward to your words of encouragement.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Colin Davitt says:

    I hate those situations! Told to refresh only to lose all progress and information. Hope the rest of it goes well.


  6. Fran Haley says:

    Tech is great, as long as it works! Just as we depend on connectivity for survival in this digital age, we depend on it for our humanity. Your final words here on the opportunity to “connect through writing and establish such a supportive community” is the real beauty of this challenge. Growth as a writer, absolutely, but in a place of support, to grow together, in a way we simply cannot do alone. Thank you for your voice and your words, Rose! Write on. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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