Inspiration from Dr. Seuss

Slice of Life2

I am participating in the March Slice of Life Story Challenge. Thanks to the co-authors of              Two Writing Teachers for creating this  supportive community.

        I love quotes. I scribble them down in my notebook, record them on scraps of paper that fall to the bottom of my purse, write them on the backs of napkins. They are on my phone in “Notes,” and sometimes, if I am feeling very organized, I get them into a file on my computer. Quotes inspire me, stretch my thinking, fill me with questions, and help me understand the world a little better (Thanks, TWT for the great quotes that appear on the daily call for slices). So today, on the day we celebrate the incredible Dr. Seuss, I decided to use one of my favorite quotes of his as inspiration for my slice.

           Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better, it’s not.

                                                                                                                                 -from The Lorax by Dr. Seuss

Although this quote is from a book published in 1971 about the importance of caring for the earth’s environment (quite timeless, actually), I believe it can apply to many situations. I have used it to spur action with colleagues and to counteract the apathy that would sometimes creep into the attitudes of some students (or even my own children). Think of the many times you may have heard kids say, “I don’t care.”  I believe the most important word in the whole quote is “care.” Caring about something calls for a response. It is a call to action to do something, to advocate for something you believe in. Without sounding too political, let me just say that there are many things going on right now in the world that need our care. We may not be able to fix everything, or maybe even anything, but if we pick one thing and increase the care we put into it, it might just make a difference.

Thanks, Dr. Seuss, for giving us so many life lessons!

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11 Responses to Inspiration from Dr. Seuss

  1. Aileen Hower says:

    Our greatest teaching is in helping students learn about those things they care about to learn more and to start to care about things they didn’t know held meaning for them.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. It is a great quote and certainly timeless. Thank you for celebrating Dr. Seuss today with one of his quotes and thank you for the nudge yesterday. I am doing the March challenge!!!


  3. tbreitweiser says:

    Quotes are amazing! I use them with my students all the time. I also enjoy putting one on my email signature. My current favorite is
    “You can disagree with another person’s opinions. You can disagree with their doctrines. You can’t disagree with their experience.”
    ― Krista Tippett, Speaking of Faith

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I keep a board on Pinterest of quotes and funny memes. I also added one to my bullet journal. I love quotes too!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. arjeha says:

    You are right, Rose. This quote is timeless and has so many applications especially in today’s world. I, too, find quotes inspiring and sometimes just file them away for future reference.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. elsie says:

    I wish I could be more organized with quotes. I am always amazed at the perfect set of words that people can pull out at just the right time. And you did it today.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. dianeandlynne says:

    I scribble quotes all the time too! This one from Dr. Seuss certainly does resonate with me, especially now in our current political climate. Thanks, Rose, for sharing your thoughts.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. lynnedorfman says:

    So true, Rosie. We should be about caring for our planet, its people, and all its living creatures. I think Dr, Seuss certainly had many good things to teach to young and old alike.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Tara Smith says:

    I love Dr. Suess all the more the older I get…I especially enjoy his wry subversiveness these days.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I agree with the importance of caring! Love the quote! I have a list of quotes in my writer’s notebook that I love! Love quotes!

    Liked by 1 person

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