A Cooking Fail

Slice of Life2

I am participating in the March Slice of Life Story Challenge. Thanks to the co-authors of              Two Writing Teachers for creating this  supportive community.

I consider myself an adequate cook. Not a great cook, or even an exceptional cook, but definitely adequate. Allan says there a just a few instances he can recall when he thought I might be trying to kill him. One of those occasions actually occurred before we were married, when I made some seafood dish in my new crock pot. Let’s just say the after effects were not pretty. But he married me anyway.

A few days ago I started making tacos for dinner. I used to use the packaged powder seasoning, but now I season it myself with garlic and cumin and coriander (less sodium) and mix it with tomatoes and beef. The recipe calls for diced tomatoes with jalapeño peppers. Usually I can find that, but apparently not on my last trip to the grocery store. So instead I just bought a can of jalapeños. I wasn’t sure how much of the can I should use, so I just dumped in the whole thing. Wrong choice.

The tacos smelled great. The tacos looked great. But with the first bite, there might actually have been smoke coming from our ears. Well, maybe not that bad, but enough for Allan to comment that I might be trying to kill him again. A little spicy, aren’t they?

With just two of us, we often have leftovers for lunch the next day. The rest of the taco filling is still in my refrigerator. I guess that says something. Want to stop by for lunch?

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9 Responses to A Cooking Fail

  1. Thank you for sharing the slice and cooking advice. It definitely is a story worth telling to warn newcomers to Taco making, half the jalapenos!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Clare Landrigan says:

    I applaud you trying to make them from scratch! Too funny … must have made for a fun evening! Maybe you could make it into a taco soup of some kind… the extra ingredients and both would cut the spice — or throw it out!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. lynnedorfman says:

    Oh, too funny! Sounds like something I would have done. A whole can? Bet smoke actually was coming out of your ears! Have you seen the Daniel Day Lewis movie, Phantom Thread? Your post reminds me of a scene or two from that movie!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. arjeha says:

    I like jalapenos, but a whole can? How about a container of sour cream to calm the taste buds? I can see myself doing something like this. Oh, wait. I made taco soup once, It brought tears to Kathy’s eyes and not because it was so delicious.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. dianeandlynne says:

    Ah! The cooking fail. I have had plenty of those. Once, when we were short on cash, and I was pregnant with Mark, I made a tuna dish with canned tuna and creamed corn and some other incompatible ingredients. Joe didn’t say a word, but it was pretty bad!
    As for the taco leftovers, I like spicy, but that might be too much for me. Soup? 10 more pounds of ground meat? Trash can?
    Imagine the possibilities!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. elsie says:

    When you said you dumped in the whole can, my reaction was “Whoops!” Now a whole can of green chiles would have been okay. They are not really hot. Can you pick the jalapenos out?

    Liked by 1 person

  7. aileenhower says:

    It is so surprising how spicy (and not in a good way) different peppers can get. Fresh or on the side might give a better outcome. I chuckled at the “killing him” comment!

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