Backyard Visitor

Slice of Life2

I am participating in the March Slice of Life Story Challenge. Thanks to the co-authors of              Two Writing Teachers for creating this  supportive community.


Father Hawk stretches wide his wings.

You stretch your arms as Mars rises red in the sky.

(from Hawk Rising by Maria Gianferrari with illustrations by Brian Floca)

I stood by the door to the back yard sipping my coffee. Early morning light danced on the horizon, creating shadows on the snow-covered grass. I watched the sparrows and chickadees play at the feeder, then I noticed something else.

What was that large form on the low branch of the maple? I wondered. Then I saw it turn its head ever so slightly.

An owl? Too big.

A vulture? Not the right color.

A hawk? Most likely.

Before I could grab my binoculars to investigate more closely, she spread her wings, leaped from her perch, and was off, climbing higher and higher. I marveled at her beauty and power. I’ve noticed hawks flying high in the sky, but can’t recall seeing one so close to the house, and right in my backyard!

The next day, I noticed her again. Could she be after the many squirrels that scamper through the yard? Perhaps the birds? Or is there something deeper involved in her presence? Of course I did a little research and discovered that hawks are sometimes thought to be spiritual messengers. Observing them could be a call to see things from a higher perspective, to expand my knowledge and wisdom. Whatever it is, I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to observe this natural beauty from a closer perspective.

I’ll be looking for her again.


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8 Responses to Backyard Visitor

  1. Ameliasb says:

    I love the lines at the beginning and the image you created of your visitor. Have you read “H is for Hawk”?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Lovely description and I like the question/answer format to create suspense! And the sense of anticipation in your conclusion!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. lynnedorfman says:

    I love to spot hawks, too, although in my backyard, I believe they are waiting for plump pigeons to visit our feeders. Beautiful imagery, Rosie.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. arjeha says:

    Didn’t know about hawks being spiritual messengers. Interesting. I have not seen any hawks around our backyard. Seeing them elsewhere, though, they are awe inspiring to watch.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I loved this beginning snapshot: I stood by the door to the back yard sipping my coffee. Early morning light danced on the horizon, creating shadows on the snow-covered grass. I watched the sparrows and chickadees play at the feeder, then I noticed something else. What was that large form on the low branch of the maple? I wondered. Then I saw it turn its head ever so slightly. You pulled us into the setting perfectly. I love seeing a hawk or owl. The other day I saw a bald eagle at one of the schools I work at — pretty close to my home. It was amazing. I never knew about the spiritual message – I will keep that in mind!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. dianeandlynne says:

    Rose, I love the way your piece brings me in with you to your backyard and to the sighting of the hawk on the low branch of the maple tree. Have you been out to Middle Creek? The snow geese were there last week and they are truly a beautiful sight. We have spotted eagles as well. For a bird watcher like yourself, Middle Creek is a must.

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